From the Readers

Not all Westerners are movie stars

Updated: 2010-06-28 13:10
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Comment on "'White-first' mentality still haunts many in China" (China Daily, June 25)

Many Chinese have never traveled outside China. Their rose-colored worldviews are formed by Western mass media, especially films and videos, many set in rich surroundings and starring beautiful and handsome actors. Hence, many Chinese unwittingly equate Westerners with those stars and treat them as such.

As China advances, it is necessary for the citizenry, especially students, to understand that China, like all nations, had a glorious and inglorious history; a civilization that they can be proud of in parts and not so proud of in others; and that China is a great nation among other great nations.

I have personally experienced what the author has written. It is not anti-white to raise such an issue. At the same time, the Chinese cannot be accused as "the most racist." In all races, there are racists; just that Chinese racism is blatant and not subtle, like in Western countries.

To those Chinese who are racially prejudiced, including posters in this forum, I understand your reasons and your feelings. But my plea to you is this: No nation or race possesses a monopoly on wisdom and virtue; do not let your bad experience with some Westerners prejudice your view of all Westerners.

Tony TT, on China Daily Website
