The anti-US wave triggered by the film Innocence of Muslims is fast sweeping around the world. It marks the failure of the US' Middle East policies. The so-called Arab Spring is evolving into an Arab Winter, says an article in People's Daily. Excerpts:
Even veteran US politicians openly confess they are confused. The reason behind the protests actually originates from their ignorance of Islam civilization and their ingrained pride and prejudice. US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton cannot believe a country liberated with the assistance of the US turned against the US. Even so, she continues to defend this film with the excuse of "freedom of speech".
The US cannot rid of its savior mentality when it comes to the Middle East, and regards American-style "democracy" as local peoples' panacea for troubled regimes. Syria is the latest example to show how hard the US is trying to put its formula in practice.
The anti-US wave has deep political, cultural and religious roots. The notorious film is simple straw that broke the camel's back.
In a presidential election year, the US is reaping what it sowed in the Middle East. Standing on the crossroads, the US, stunned and confused, is confronted with a very hard choice now.