Do not make it a choice between baby and promotion
Working women in their 30s often face difficult decisions, says an article in the People's Daily (excerpts below).
A recent survey in the Republic of Korea found that 61 percent of women in their 20s "participate in economic activities".
However, the number drops steadily to 55.8 percent for women in their 30s.
It is 92.6 percent for men.
Many women choose to have a baby in their early 30s and they have to make a hard choice between family and career.
In some enterprises, pregnant women have no choice but to resign; even if they could return to the same job one or two years later.
The new ROK government promised to raise the employment rate to 70 percent, as well as to concentrate on offering jobs to women in their 30s. That is a good move, and China may learn from the example so that one day there is no longer a choice between baby and promotion.