China is ready for talks and counterattacks
The European Union's anti-dumping measures against photovoltaic products from China are an abuse of trade remedy measures. China is ready for talks and also has plenty of cards to play, and action against EU wine is only one of them, says an article of People's Daily. Excerpt:
There are at least two negative messages in the EU’s decision on China's photovoltaic products. First, the EU lacks the courage to admit basic facts and does not know how to solve problems through dialogue. The condescending mentality rooted in European people's hearts does not change with the times. Second, there is something wrong with the EU's decision-making process. It is strange that EC Commissioner for Trade Karel De Gucht can still make such a difference on such sensitive trade issues, despite the opposition of many member states.
China firmly opposes the EU's decision, which not only hurts China's interests but also sends the wrong message. The EU should talk to Chinese industries and look for solutions acceptable to both sides.
Trade protectionists will finally lie in the beds they made themselves. If one person stubbornly takes his own course, he will probably not be able to handle the consequences.
China' photovoltaic products' price advantage comes with drops in the price of raw materials and the progress of Chinese industries. The EU does not have grounds to attribute the price advantage to so-called dumping or government subsidies.
Beside the Chinese government, related Chinese enterprises should also actively communicate with the EU and let the outside world know about their production.
It is natural for conflicts to occur between large traders like China and the EU. China's action on wine imported from the EU is only one countermeasure in the trade conflicts. Dialogue is the only rational way out of the current quagmire.