
Air pollution: China must act now

Updated: 2014-04-03 11:19 (bbs.chinadaily.com.cn)

SDIvester (US)

The US had problems similar to what China is facing now. The results left scars on the land, dirty air and water, land so polluted nobody can live on it. Finally the government opened their eyes and said NO MORE POLLUTION to these INDUSTRIES. Strict laws requiring clean air and water qualities were adopted.

The US government created the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to oversee these laws. All the states followed these regulations, and added additional requirements that enhanced these environmental laws. The end result was cleaner air and water.

It will take time and money to repair today's issues with the environment. The longer people wait, the worse it gets and the more it costs. Set up the laws that require clean air and water, then enforce them.

Air pollution: China must act now

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