MisterPanda (France)
For me it was a couple weeks after arriving in China. I like to eat toasted bread for breakfast so I bought a couple of packs but they were sweet and made with milk and I wanted the natural one with no milk. I went to a Lianhua supermarket near my apartment and, as I couldn't read Chinese characters at the time but could speak a little, I asked one of the staff if the bread I had in my hand contained milk. She replied "yes it contains milk" so I said "oh I want bread with no milk" and then she replied "the bread you're holding doesn't contain milk".
I believe it was the very first time I was really confused and, to this day, I still don't understand why she would tell me there is milk if there isn't (I wouldn't know I ended up not buying any bread at all as I couldn't be sure if it had milk or not).

The original post is here: http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/thread-877867-1-1.html