Editor's note: It is pretty common for Chinese people, especially the young, to have an English name, partly because it seems fashionable, and partly because English names facilitate communication with foreigners. Unfortunately, many of the English names they adopt are often funny, and sometimes ridiculous, to native speakers. Here is a list of some of the funny names one of our bloggers from the UK have come across in China. If you disagree or have something new to add to the list, you're welcome to leave your comments here.
seanboyce88 (UK)
Peter Pan or other fictional characters
You should never name yourself after fictional characters from books as it's weird having to reference you in passing. "So yeah, I was out with Peter Pan the other day..." and it just leaves you open for obvious jokes like, "Was Tinkerbelle with you?" Please leave these names alone. This includes Harry Potter, Edward Cullen or any other fictional character. Please...

The original piece: http://blog.chinadaily.com.cn/blog-1369370-16348.html