Opinion / From the Press

Women must have a life of their own

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-07-07 09:37

Having a successful career or marrying a rich guy. Which of the two would a woman choose? The two, however, are not necessarily mutually exclusive, because by having a successful career a woman could have a better chance of meeting the ideal man, says an article in Xinhua Daily Telegraph. Excerpts:

Many female college students believe that marrying a rich man is not a ticket to a happy life, although it is becoming increasingly difficult for college graduates to get satisfactory jobs. This is one of the findings of a recent survey in Zhejiang province, which suggests that today's female students are confident about their ability to confront challenges.

But this does not necessarily mean that a woman who prefers to marry a successful man is afraid of challenges. Some women may be content staying at home, taking care of the house and kids, and supporting their husbands' career. Others could be more ambitious, seeking recognition in their own right. So, the choice between career and marriage should be seen as a personal choice.

But women who prefer "marriage first" and desperately seek out rich bachelors after graduation seem to put their happiness at risk. By trading their youth and beauty for a temporary, stable and affluent life, they could end up as desperate housewives after some time. Some could even become victims of an ugly marriage and end up as divorcees. A woman who does not have a life of her own could easily become an appendage of her husband.

Women who are yet to find their Mr Right can focus on their career. Their success will attract more successful and well-off men to them. It is thus important that women have a prudent outlook on life.

The opinions expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily.

(China Daily 07/07/2014 page9)

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