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Unexpected adventures in Wudaokou's 'club heaven'

By EduardoT ( Updated: 2014-07-10 16:55

I again join my roommate on the elevated dance area. Some girls down below start waving their hands towards us, all while moving their hips seductively. My thoughts are, “YES. HELL YEAH.” One of them jumps up and starts dancing with my roommate. Another girl jumps up next to me and starts backing it up. I'm about to pull her hips towards mine but she turns to tell me something. I have no clue what she says but it sounds negative. I'm all confused again and decide to keep my hands to myself. She doesn't go away though. She keeps dancing my way. It's packed at this point. I figure maybe she has no room to move elsewhere. I try to keep dancing but this girl is pretty much on me. I go for it! I pull her close and some guy suddenly puts his hand around her waist. Ooops. I back off. Two minutes later, this girl is back on me.....I'm very confused now. I look at my roommate and the girl he was dancing with is gone. Apparently another guy pulled her away looking very upset. I guess she had a boyfriend. I turn back towards the girl on my side, and she looks like she's being scolded by her boyfriend. Neither one of us thinks that maybe we should relocate to avoid a confrontation. Luckily, nothing happens. The girls disappear with their respective boyfriends and my roommate and I keep dancing.

Around 3:00 am, we decide to go home. We danced for hours. We had a great time. We are both tired and hungry. We walk out of the bar and witness a drunk girl yelling at some other drunk girl. I don't know what she's saying but there are tons of people outside, many of which were not bothering to put an end to this verbal confrontation. I decide to stand back and watch too. The girls end up on the ground and people crowd them extremely fast. I have no idea what happens. We go get a cab.

Or TRY to get a cab. Those drivers, they all refused to take us home. It turns out we are too far north for their liking. If they take us home, there will be no business there to bring them back. There are "black cabs" nearby, they are more than happy to take us back....for three to four times the regular price. We don’t want that. I decide to walk home. The only problem is I don't know how to get back on foot. I ask the nearest person for directions and he has no clue. He is in the city for a business trip and got stranded there because he missed his train. Okay. I turn around and ask a girl for directions. She didn't speak English as well as the business man - I think I ended that conversation with her thinking I was asking her to come home with me. I turn around again and the business man pulls out his smartphone and tries to look up directions for us. He tells us we have 5 km to walk but he can't really find the roads that will lead us there. He recommends that we stay until the subway opens again at 5:43 am.

We waited inside a 24-hour KFC, talking to this business man. He lives on the coast, I can't remember the city but he said it's beautiful there, and offered to be our guide if ever we decided to visit. He was extremely nice. While we were waiting for the subway to open again, some homeless man came up to us offering his services. He said anything we needed, he can get for us. Girls? Drugs? The business man told him to piss off. It was funny.

We got home at 6:13 am.

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