從嚴治吏 (cóngyán zhìlì): Strictly regulate officials
The Communist Party of China Central Committee has reiterated the need for strict regulation of its members, especially those in official posts, a key minority.
Top leader Xi Jinping has stressed that choosing the right people for important posts is of vital significance for a healthy Party and good governance.
Honest officials are a prerequisite for a clean government. Competent and honest officials can attract talented people to join the public cause, while corrupt officials serve to foster breeding grounds for parasites.
The statement released after the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China last month urged the authorities at all levels to promote a strong sense of duty among officials, so as to foster an environment in which hard work, commitment and serving the people are valued.
Responsible and honest officials in senior positions act as good role models for their subordinates and colleagues. If the head of a department abuses his or her power, it will only be a matter of time before the department transforms into a market where bad coins circulate, as the good ones are naturally driven away.
Thus, there should be an accountability system to keep the personnel departments always vigilant. They should be accountable if the officials promoted or appointed by them are unqualified or incompetent for their duties.
Rule of law and a competent civil servant and judicial team are the foundation of good governance. A good law or a good policy will only be turned into a pretense if the government and judiciary are full of officials who are unwilling or unable to implement it properly.