Editor's notes:

The third China Daily Expat blogging contest has ended in exciting fashion. After three months' blogging followed by the final vote of our own judges, the best four expat bloggers were named as Ananstasiasuli, kellivschina, teamkrejados and eddieturkson. Congratulations! We also picked six excellent bloggers and their works are here.



Kellivschina has a very light touch and a simple way of expressing herself that makes what she has to say easy to read and understand. And she shares her thoughts on two often-discussed topics.



Anastasiasuli too has an easily enjoyed style and makes some interesting observations about life in China. She describes her story in an interesting manner, uses photos to enhance the appeal of the piece and provides relevant details.



Teamkrejados takes a far more serious approach to her writing but tends to confuse the reader. But her topic on how American Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay, Self-Reliance, and how it relates to her life earns extra points because it is an unusual topic for an expat blogger.



eddieturkson lets himself down by simply regurgitating a speech he’s heard rather than writing something original.
