Focus on life of the disabled
2013-06-20 21:00
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Wu Feng was born in Xicheng, Beijing, in 1977 with learning disabilities. His mother also has learning difficulties and his father is blind.
He received six-months training in the Lizhi Rehabilitation Center, and found a job in a supermarket. Wu quit the job over a wage dispute.
Since then he has worked in the aquatic product sector of a Hualian supermarket chain store. He would like to start a family.
[Photo by Jiang Quan]
Wu Qin was born in 1979 and is deaf.
After graduation from Nantong special school for the deaf and mute, Wu's search for work was not easy.
She has held a number of posts but has always faced discrimination at work.
Now she is a goods arranger in a supermarket and enjoys the responsibility of her position.
[Photo by Chen Weiwei]