Former Laojiuzhang Silk Shop

Updated : 2013-10-31 By : Source :

Former Laojiuzhang Silk Shop

Situated at 47 Heping Road, Heping District, the Former Laojiuzhang Silk Shop is now the heritage site under city/county protection and the important protection historic architecture in Tianjin and is used as an office building. It was set up by a Shanghai businessman who was the ninth child of a Zhang's family in the late Qing Dynasty, hence it was named Laojiuzhang Silk Shop.

It sold mainly various silks and woolen cloth. The shop, covering an area of 500 square meters and having a floor area of 1900 square meters, was a three-storied brick and concrete structure building with a flat top and later a fourth floor was built on the top and even a fifth floor for some parts. The main entrance is at the corner of the building and pilasters are attached to the furred wall. The pillars supporting the main entrance are also used to support the balconies on the second and third floor.

Moreover, pediments are used to decorate the cornice and arch windows are designed on the fifth floor and square balcony was built on the roof. It belongs to the Classical architecture style.

Former Laojiuzhang Silk Shop

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