Quanyechang Mall

Updated : 2013-10-31 By : Source :

Quanyechang Mall

Being the largest scale department store in North China founded in 1928, the Quanyechang Mall was honored with a tablet inscribed by Mr. Hua Shikui, one of the most famous calligraphers in China. Eight grant recreation groups all named with "Tian" got together in the store, including Tian-huajing Theatre, Tian-fu Cinema, and Tain-le Stage for Ping Opera, etc.

The Mall could serve the people for their shopping, enjoyment and amusement all within its body. Well-known as one of the outstanding enterprises with long history in China and one of the symbols for the City, it has been classified as the important heritage site under state protection and the special protection historic architecture in Tianjin, covering an area of about 3000 square meters, and about 16500 square meters in floor area.

located at 152-166 Binjiang Avenue of Heping District,the building was designed by Mr. P. Muller, the architect from a French engineering company-Hunke & Muller. The building is mainly five-storied and eight-storied partially and has got its walls finished with stone facing. And it has its windows in various forms. The whole architecture tastes to be somewhat an eclectic work considering its designs.

Quanyechang Mall

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