University president forum in North Central China

Updated: 2015-09-14

The 3rd China-Arab States University Presidents Forum, which opened in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui region, on Sept 11, has seen several agreements signed, by Chinese and Arab universities increasing intercollegiate communications, student exchanges, and recognition of class credits by both.

Another development at the forum, whose theme is “Serving the One Belt, One Road Initiative, Innovating Cooperation”, was an action plan involving Chinese and Arab universities for the 2015 – 19 period.

The forum attracted at least 330 principals and representatives of 74 universities from 26 Arab countries who took part in round tables and plenary sessions, and got a look at the exhibitions.

The organizers say that this was more than for the previous two sessions and has laid good foundation for more and greater cooperation in education with Arab States.

Cai Guoying, a member of the Ningxia Party Standing Committee, and Lin Huiqing, a vice-education minister, addressed the forum, which also had government officials and university presidents taking part.
