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Health Data Platform to open Beijing

Updated : 2018-08-22

On January 11, Centrin Data Systems and CapitalBio agreed to build the biggest health risk and management big data platform in China.

Centrin Data System is a leading information technology company that provides comprehensive IT services to a wide range of customers in financial and political fields. It is especially advanced in IT infrastructure and information security, and provides technological guarantees for medical data.

Centrin has secure data centers in Beijing, Yantai, and Suzhou, which provide services for government, finance, state-owned enterprises, and medical institutions. Its business model is borrowed from foreign companies. Centrin extends its services through mobile Internet, and has a cloud management platform that combines health management, preventive medicine, and diagnostics.

CapitalBio is a leading biomedicine company in China. It works on research and innovation in bioscience and genetic engineering.

The two companies’ cooperation will promote research and development in big data and health management, and build up a cloud platform based on genetic data and health records. They will explore new services and discover new markets together.

They will also enhance their cooperation in information security, privacy, processing and analysis, and business development.
