
    Sergio Maffettone: My Chengdu Story


    Richard Deutl: My Chengdu Story


    Jean-Francois Vallee: My Chengdu Story


    My Chengdu Story


    My Sichuan experiences


Editor's notes

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How is life in Chengdu?

We receive interesting stories, opinions or thoughts from ambassadors, entrepreneurs, writers, artists, professors, students, tourists (to name just a few!) almost every day.

Enjoy our "My Chengdu Story" special and you are welcome to share your experiences and hopes related to Chengdu with us at chengdu2016@chinadaily.com.cn

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  • Victor Paul Borg: My Chengdu

    Nine years ago, upon arrival in Chengdu, I knew nothing about the city and its ethos.

  • Jean-Philippe Trottier: My Chengdu story

    I have an interesting relationship with Chengdu, one that I would not have expected when I first came to China 12 years ago.

  • My Chengdu story

    Ni Hao! My name is Simona. I was a Management Science exchange student for 6 months in Chengdu.

  • Chengdu's treasures

    When you hear about Chengdu, you might immediately think of pandas, majong (麻將), hot-pot or other red-colored spicy food.

  • Seeing Chengdu through the eyes of visitors

    "It's all so modern!” my sister exclaims in amazement as we ride in the taxi from the Chengdu airport to the hotel.

  • My Chengdu Story

    I'm from South Korea. I went to Chengdu in 2013. Chengdu is a city which has pandas. That was the only thing I knew about the city then.

  • My Chengdu dream

    Since I was a child I dreamed to visit China, especially the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.

  • Love and romance brought me to Chengdu

    I'm British and I’m very into Chinese culture and I am engaged to a beatiful Chinese girl studying in England.
