Gao Wei, Ding Long, and Shen Yalei have been working hard in West Oregon in
the United States, having in mind they might also be stars one day in America's
biggest sport, but scarce skills and knowledge in football may take the boys
some time to find their niches in NFL.
The past five weeks are the first test stone for William, Rambo, and Sean,
the new monikers they are still getting used to. The instant American football
courses they are taking will get tested, hopefully in China first if they are
considered qualified enough.
 Chad Lewis of Philadelphia Eagles
teaching a young Chinese football player in August 2006.
Two of them may see some minutes during an exhibition game between the New
England Patriots and Seattle Seahawks in Beijing's Workers' Stadium around
August 8 this year.
Beside football, they are also learning to adapt to the American way by
shopping, having fast food, and learning English. According to the coach in
charge of their practice, their improvements have been very impressive, but how
to cope with the pressure on court is something that can't be taught, and they
could only learn that during games.
According to the New York Times, the NFL was inspired by the successes of NBA
and MBL in Asia: bringing international stars to the game.
The Yao Mings in the making on the football field are just part of NFL's plan
to penetrate the untapped Chinese market. The league has launched its official
Chinese website though the game is still totally new to most people in the
Middle Kingdom.
Prior to their practices in America, the three players knew little about
football. 21-year-old Gao Wei and 22-year-old Shen Yalei were soccer players,
while 19-year-old Ding Long played rugby.
However, if their performances in practices are still not
up to par by August, none of them may appear in the Beijing