US gun laws flawed?
Friday's horrific shooting that left 20 children and 6 adults dead in Connecticut, revived the familiar US gun law debate, where restrictions vary widely between states. The federal government regulates "very, very little," noted Robyn Thomas, executive director of the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, AFP reported.
The Brady Law requires federal background checks on firearm purchasers in the US. It is intended to detect any potential red flags in an individual's criminal and mental health history. But 40% of arms sales are not affected by the law, because they take place between private individuals, including through websites, or at gun shows. Such sales are not regulated by the federal government.
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, maintained by the FBI, has its own loopholes. The Mayors Against Illegal Guns Organization found that millions of files on people with mental health issues were not included in the database.
Most laws restricting gun sales take place at the state level. And within the 50 US states, variations in gun laws can make it easier for people to evade restrictions. Thirteen states do not consult background checks compiled outside the vendors' state. Any criminal history in another state or at the federal level would thus be left out.