Life on the road
Liu Jinwei
Marketing manager of China Export and Credit Insurance Corp

Where are you going this National Day holiday?
I plan to spend my holiday on the beach of Phuket. It'll be my first time abroad. I'm so excited!
How do you buy tickets and make hotel reservations?
So much Web surfing.
What have been your favorite destinations during past National Day holidays? Why?
Dunhuang in Gansu province. It's famous for Buddhist frescoes and magnificent desert. When I drove through the desert, I felt how tiny I am compared to nature.
What do you enjoy most and least when you travel during National Day holidays?
The seven-day holiday is the best part. But there are too many people taking vacations. You see long lines wherever you go and spend a lot of time waiting.
Will you bring a camera or just a smartphone for taking pictures? Will you post thoughts and pictures on social media as you travel?
A smartphone will suffice. It's smaller and lighter, and I can take high-quality photos. More importantly, I can post to micro blogs or WeChat on the go.