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THE WEEK Dec 31: We messed up

Updated: 2011-12-31 10:48
By THE WEEK (chinadaily.com.cn)

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Occupy this!

We start with a story which may have affected more parts of the world than any other story this year. The Occupy protests began in New York City this year as thousands gathered to demonstrate against a laundry list of unjust policies and behaviors. As time went on, the protests moved to thousands of cities around the world, but their motivations for protesting became just as diverse as the cities in which the demonstrations were held.

Working on weibo

One of the biggest stories coming out of China this year was the explosion of weibo, China’s twitter-like micro-blogging service. A growing number of people are using the site everyday. Aside from following celebrities and sharing social news, people are turning to weibo as a news source. That may not be the smartest idea, considering false stories of prominent authors dying and banks handing out money for old coins got huge publicity. Then there’s the story of Guo Mei Mei.

Celebrity gossip 2011

Western celebrities may have gained popularity on China’s weibo sites this year, but many more have made headlines for reasons other than their on-screen performances. For this week’s round-up, we bring you all of the best celebrity gossip from 2011.

We messed up

As a little gift for sticking with us this year, we hope you enjoy a mix of all of our worst moments here at The Week.

THE WEEK Dec 31: We messed up

THE WEEK Dec 31: We messed up
Director: Lin Hanqing Graphic Design: Zhang Xiao
Videographer: Cong Ruiting Assistant Story Writer: Zhao Mengya (Intern)
Producer: Chris Clark & Clark Cahill
Managing Producer: Christie Lee Executive Producer: Flora Yue
THE WEEK Dec 31: We messed up
If we used your photo on the show, let us know. Contact: liqiao@chinadaily.com.cn
The opinions expressed on this show do not necessarily represent the opinions of China Daily or China Daily Website.