Clean river delivers riches for dinner tables

By Wang Yuanchang and Wang Shanshan ( China Daily ) Updated: 2016-01-02 07:46:30

Clean river delivers riches for dinner tables

A fish market near the river.

Hutou may be a quiet border town now but it has seen turmoil.

There was a major Japanese camp in Hutou during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-45).

Even after Japan surrendered on Aug 15, 1945, battles were still going on in Hutou.

The 2,000 Japanese soldiers didn't surrender until a day later.

Xu Chunfu's father was a soldier of the Red Army of the former Soviet Union. His mother was from Chongqing in Southwest China, and was one of the "educated youth", who followed the nation's call to "go up into the mountains and down into the countryside".

There are quite a few couples like Xu's parents in the town.

There are also many Chinese who can speak Russian, and many Russians who speak Chinese.

In this mini-sized melting pot of cultures, nature has provided an opportunity for a quiet life.

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