Fashion boutique Any Shop Style.[Photo provided to China Daily]
Customers who used to rely on the top luxury brands are now opening up to the new designer brands, says Irene Lau, China vice president of Lane Crawford.
"That's what our stylists are there for. Thanks to their guidance, customers are getting to know more emerging brands, and we are happy to be playing a role in educating the market."
These stores have also become a hotbed for emerging designers.
Lane Crawford offers more than 1,000 designer brands ranging from womenswear, menswear, cosmetics, jewelry and homeware. It also has exclusive crossover collaborations with the designers.
Through the Created in China project it has introduced to the markets brands such as Ms MIN, Comme Moi, Helen Lee, Ziggy Chen and Uma Wang.
At the same time, Dong Liang, a boutique dedicated to Chinese indigenous designers, has grown to be a trendsetter in the independent designer scene. The store has been presenting new designers not only in its boutiques, but also at Shanghai Fashion Week. Dong Liang hosts the One Day event that is part of Shanghai Fashion Week, introducing designers such as He Yan and Sankuanz.