LAHORE, Pakistan - About
1,000 Muslim clerics and religious scholars meeting Thursday in eastern Pakistan
demanded the removal of Pope Benedict XVI for making what they called "insulting
remarks" against Islam.
Benedict "should be removed from his position immediately for encouraging war
and fanning hostility between various faiths" and "making insulting remarks"
against Islam, said a joint statement issued by the clerics and scholars at the
end of their one-day convention.
 Pakistani protesters hold a rally to
condemn Pope Benedict XVI for his remarks about Islam which hurt the
sentiments of Muslims, Thursday, Sept. 21, 2006 in Multan, Pakistan.
Protesters continued to demand that Pope apologize fully for his remarks
on Islam and violence. [AP] |
The "pope, and all infidels, should know that no Muslim, under any
circumstances, can tolerate an insult to the Prophet (Muhammad). ... If the West
does not change its stance regarding Islam, it will face severe consequences,"
it said.
The meeting was organized by the radical Islamic group Jamaat al-Dawat, which
runs schools, colleges and medical clinics. In April, Washington put the group
on a list of terrorist organizations for its alleged links with militants
fighting in the Indian part of Kashmir.
The meeting came after the pope said Sunday he was "deeply sorry" about the
reactions to his remarks and that they did not reflect his own opinions.
He said Wednesday that he has "deep respect" for Islam, but he did not offer
an apology that was demanded by some Muslim leaders offended by his remarks in
Germany last week.
The pope acknowledged that his remarks were open to misinterpretation, but
insisted he had not intended to endorse a negative view of Islam.
In Germany, Benedict cited the words of a Byzantine emperor who characterized
some of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad as "evil and inhuman,"
particularly "his command to spread by the sword the faith."
"This quote unfortunately lent itself to be misunderstood," the pontiff said
Wednesday. "In no way did I wish to make my own the words of the medieval
emperor. I wished to explain that not religion and violence, but religion and
reason go together."
The clerics and religious scholars said they did not regard Benedict's latest
comments as an apology.
"The pope has neither accepted his mistake, nor apologized for his words," it
The statement also said jihad was not terrorism and that "Islam was not
propagated with the sword, but it became popular and was accepted by the
oppressed peoples of the world because of its universal values and teachings."
"Jihad is waged to rid an area, state, or the world of oppression, violence,
cruelty, and terrorism, and bring peace and relief to the people. History is
full of incidents where Muslims waged jihad to provide relief to people of many
faiths, especially Jews and Christians," it said.
Pakistan is the world's second most populous Muslim country, and its people
have held small, peaceful rallies since the publication of pope's remarks about