Hamas rejects Bush's upcoming Mideast visit

Updated: 2008-01-05 20:50

GAZA -- Islamic Hamas movement on Saturday rejected US President George W. Bush's visit to the region which will start on January 10.

"Bush's visit widens the internal Palestinian splitting by supporting one Palestinian side (Fatah) to fight another side (Hamas) and to incite against ending the internal political differences," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told reporters.

President Bush will work to press on Israeli-Palestinian peace talks that were launched in December as a result of Annapolis peace conference which the US administration sponsored.

The talks fell short due to the continuation of Israeli settlement activities in West Bank.

For Hamas, Annapolis conference was meant to support Abbas and Fatah movement against Hamas which seized control of Gaza Strip by force last June.

"Hamas doesn't expect anything from Bush's visit in the shadow of the American policies that are biased to Israel," Abu Zuhrisaid.

"The visit also aims at easing the shock that hit the Palestinian and Islamic nations due to the Israeli crimes that increased after Annapolis conference."

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