WORLD> Middle East
Analysis: US role in Iraq doesn't end just yet
Updated: 2009-07-01 10:21

WASHINGTON: US troops are out of Iraq's cities but not its future. Even a best-case scenario is likely to feature an American role there for years - militarily as well as diplomatically.

That does not mean a permanent large US troop presence in Iraq. Under a security deal struck with the Bush administration, American forces are to be out by the end of 2011.

Analysis: US role in Iraq doesn't end just yet

Iraqi policemen celebrate as they mark the US withdrawal from Iraqi cities, in Kerbala, 80 km (50 miles) southwest of Baghdad June 30, 2009. [Agencies]

But it's no secret that Iraq's security forces are not fully ready to handle even a diminished insurgency on their own.

Some senior US military officers say privately they anticipate Iraqi setbacks in coming months, particularly if the insurgents regroup. But by partnering with American forces, the Iraqis stand a good chance of succeeding. That is why a number of US troops will remain in the cities to assist and advise.

But most were gone Tuesday as Iraqis marked National Sovereignty Day with military parades and marching bands in Baghdad. In a sobering reminder the violence was not over, a car bombing in a crowded food market in the northern city of Kirkuk killed at least 27 people.

It's not possible to know how long Iraq will need American help, but it could be well beyond President Barack Obama's current term. Much will depend on the pace of progress toward Iraqi political reconciliation. That is because the success of the Iraqi security forces depends as much, if not more, on their willingness to operate in a nonsectarian, evenhanded way as on their technical competence.

Related readings:
 Iraq regains control of cities as US pulls back
 4 US soldiers killed during Iraq cities pullout
 Iraq: Emerging state or a state of emergency?
 Iraq urges scientists to come home
 Iraq declares victory as US troops leave cities

Diplomatically, the US role will be less visible but still crucial. Even with declining levels of violence since 2007, progress toward political reconciliation among Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds has been minimal.

Obama made clear Tuesday that while he expects violence to persist, the final outcome is an Iraqi responsibility.

"Iraq's future is in the hands of its own people," he said at the White House. "And Iraq's leaders must now make some hard choices necessary to resolve key political questions" and to provide security.

There are still about 131,000 US troops in Iraq. They won't be fighting in urban areas any more, unless the Iraqi government asks for their help. Instead they will focus on securing Iraq's borders, keeping insurgents on the run in rural areas and conducting training with Iraqi security forces.

Gen. Ray Odierno, the top US commander in Iraq, said Tuesday he was hopeful, in part because Iraqis have embraced the US urban withdrawal as a confidence booster.

"They're not ready for us to go yet, but they are ready for us to allow them to attempt to exercise their security responsibilities, and to me that's very encouraging," Odierno said.

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