WORLD> Europe
New German words reflect crisis
(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-07-23 09:05

Around 5,000 new words were officially added to the German language Wednesday as the country's iconic dictionary, Duden, launched its first new edition for three years.

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The new version, containing 135,000 words, includes many new words an English-speaker would find familiar, several inspired by the financial crisis.

As of today, Germans can now officially have 'der Babyblues' and go to 'eine After-Show-Party'.

The financial crisis and its effects account for many of the new German entries. 'Die Bad Bank' requires no translation, and also appearing for the first time are 'Kreditklemme' (credit crunch), 'Konjunkturpaket' (stimulus package) and 'Abwrackpraemie' (car scrappage bonus.)
