Special: Strong quake rocks Japan

Special: Strong quake rocks Japan

Japan: Declares emergency at nuke plant

World:Evacuation in California; More; Global reaction

China:Willing to help; Tsunami waves;?Rescuers ready

Background: Major strong quakes since 1900

On February 27, 2010, an 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck southern Chile, killing at least 300 and triggering tsunamis as well as communications and power breakup in the region. >>>

Special: Strong quake rocks Japan

Special: Strong quake rocks Japan

Chinese rescue team ready for Japan quake relief

A Chinese NGO rescue team said they are calling together professional volunteer members and and ready for quake relief work in Japan.>>>

S Korea ready to send rescue to quake-hit Japan

South Korea is willing to send off a group of emergency rescue workers to northeastern Japan.>>> 



