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PECC paves way for upcoming APEC summit

PECC's contribution to APEC summit

Group's efforts to advise APEC lauded

Senior Chinese foreign affairs officials expressed confidence in regional economic integration on Wednesday and underlined Beijing's commitment to the upcoming APEC leadership summit in Beijing in November.

At the meeting's conclusion, PECC leaders will submit a report and recommendations to the APEC member states. Since early this year, China and other APEC members have consulted in preparation for the APEC gathering. More

For?Asia-Pacific economic development

While the global economy shows some hint of recovery, risks and uncertainties continue, dimming steps towards revival. What are the roles of Asia-Pacific economies in the process?

That is the topic discussed at the second session of 22nd PECC General Meeting. Being attended by global scholars from nations including the Republic of Korea, Chile and Thailand, the session studied the current economic condition of Asia-Pacific and produced recommendations. More

Quotes from foreign affairs officials

Yang Jiechi, Chinese State Councilor on diplomacy

PECC paves way for upcoming APEC summit

"I am glad to learn that the 22nd General Meeting of PECC will be held in Beijing to discuss Asia-Pacific economic cooperation in 2014 and beyond."

"By organizing in-depth discussions among government officials, senior scholars and business people from PECC member economies on Asia-Pacific cooperation, PECC has provided useful intellectual support for decision-making in regional economic cooperation and a powerful boost to the Asia-Pacific Family." More

Wang Yi, Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs

PECC paves way for upcoming APEC summit

"The theme being discussed this year - shaping the future through Asia-Pacific partnership -?is very important, because it stresses such priorities as advancing regional economic integration and promoting innovative development."

"PECC plays an irreplaceable role by offering recommendations and undertaking key research for APEC. Thus PECC represents efforts to make preparations for APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Beijing this November." More

Chen Yuan, vice-chairman of the CPPCC National Committee

PECC paves way for upcoming APEC summitThe Asia-Pacific is expected to develop a regional partnership with "vision to the future".

The partnership is expected to aim "at a higher level of regional economic integration", and financial cooperation should be conducted to boost financing for infrastructure construction in the region, Chen said.? More


About the PECC

The Pacific Economic Cooperation Council is a non-profit, policy-oriented, regional organization dedicated to the promotion of a stable and prosperous Asia-Pacific.

Founded in 1980, PECC brings together leaders from business, government, civil society and academic institutions in a non-official capacity. More

About the 22nd General Meeting in Beijing

The PECC 22nd General Meeting began on Wednesday, about two months before the APEC Economic Leaders' meeting.

As the host of APEC this year, China is committed to "shaping the future through Asia-Pacific partnership", which will be promoted through work under three priorities: "advancing regional economic integration", "promoting innovative development, economic reform and growth", and "strengthening comprehensive connectivity and infrastructure development". More

About the PECC China National Committee

The China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CNCPEC) is a national organization established in 1986 in accordance with the PECC Charter. CNCPEC comprises multipartite representatives from government, business, media, civil society and academia.

CNCPEC's objective is to seek and promote economic development and cooperation within the Asia-Pacific region.

This year, CNCPEC is hosting the 22nd General Meeting of PECC, with the purpose of providing intellectual support for the APEC summit to be held in Beijing this year. More

Preview on?the APEC summit

PECC paves way for upcoming APEC summit
