8 major aid projects by China in Africa
2014-05-06 07:20
From building railways to constructing theaters, China has made major contributions in aid to countries throughout Africa. A closer look at them:
Basic facts about African Union
2014-05-06 10:40
The establishment of the AU to replace the Organization of African Unity (OAU) founded in 1963 was envisaged at an African summit in September 1999 in Libya's Sirte.
Basic facts about Ethiopia
2014-05-04 18:58
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang left Beijing on Sunday for Ethiopia, the first leg of his four-country Africa tour.
Li's first visit this year
2014-05-02 09:24
China is due to sign agreements with African nations on petroleum, agriculture and infrastructure during Premier Li Keqiang's maiden visit to Africa since taking office.
China-Africa cooperation on health
2014-04-29 16:04
China's Vice Premier Liu Yandong delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony, saying that China plans to send 1,500 medical personnel to Africa in the next three years to perform free cataract operations.
China-Africa trade tops $210 billion
2014-04-25 09:16
More than 2,000 Chinese companies had been established in Africa by the end of last year.
Zhou's visit to Africa had lasting effect
2014-05-05 08:20
Leader's landmark trip led to more exchanges, infrastructure projects
What does China slowdown mean for Africa?
2014-05-02 09:24
The challenge for China to maintain GDP growth of about 7 percent has exercised minds worldwide over the past two or three years, and in Africa concerns about lower figures boil down to the fact that many of the continent's economic hopes are hitched to those of China.
New AU headquarters
2014-04-29 16:00
Fully funded by the Chinese government and built by the China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC), AU's new headquarters is China's largest aid project to Africa since the construction of the Zambia-Tanzania railway in the 1970s.
A vigorous Angola springs back to life
2014-04-29 15:52
Angola is in the middle of a transformation process and, as is the case with any country whose economy is based on the export of goods that are in global demand, it needs to invest in its transport network to expedite its international trade.