World / Opinions

Tokyo's despicable denial

[2014-06-24 07:53]

Abe and his increasingly assertive cabinet should be reminded that any kind of stigmatization of the Kono Statement, which is another bald-faced denial of history, is doomed to failure.

Japan should stop playing with fire

[2014-06-17 08:02]

"Don't play with fire" is a caution that Abe should heed. China is not an easy prey and the East China Sea is not a good place for Abe to try his luck.

Former US congressman: Diaoyu Islands part of China

[2014-06-15 16:09]

The Japanese government's behavior on the Diaoyu Islands issue has brought troubles for the China-US ties, former US congressman David Wu said.

Special: Experts suggest ways to ease tension

[2014-06-10 07:29]

China Daily and Japan's Genron NPO think tank co-hosted a preparatory meeting on Sunday in Beijing for the 10th Beijing-Tokyo Forum, an annual event which is expected to take place in late September.

Abe 'an obstacle' to improved relations

[2014-06-10 01:51]

Observers report great improvement in everyday exchanges between China and Japan, but they said Abe's conduct has been an obstacle to mending ties.

Who are the new Japanese?

[2014-06-09 07:30]

Abe's speech at this year's Shangri-La Dialogue suggesting they will be the stewards of peace in Asia was simply self-serving hypocrisy

Abe playing an unwinnable game

[2014-06-06 07:52]

By trying to act as an uninvited mediator, Japan has lifted a stone only to drop it on its own feet, for Abe's ploy to revive Japan's militarism by playing up the "China threat" theory is definitely not going to work.

China Voice: No compromise on Diaoyu Islands

[2014-06-05 14:16]

State sovereignty and territorial integrity are among China's core interests. Hopes of any compromise, however small, on the Diaoyu Islands issue are delusional.

Abe's anti-China thinking exposed at G7 summit

[2014-06-05 13:39]

The Group of Seven (G7) summit on Wednesday wisely stopped short of taking a pro-Japan stand over the East China Sea issue, dealing a blow to Japanese officials and media that have been trying to sell an anti-China agenda in the runup to the meeting.

US-Japan alliance and China

[2014-05-29 07:07]

The world fears a "face-off" between Japan and China at the Shangri-La Dialogue, to be held in Singapore from May 30 to June 1. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is scheduled to deliver a speech at the "track one" annual security forum, which is highly likely to invite criticism from Chinese diplomats.

Abe's dangerous move

[2014-05-19 08:30]

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made it public on Thursday that Tokyo would seek to exercise the right of collective self-defense, which would allow his country to fight alongside its allies beyond its borders.

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