China / HK Macao Taiwan

Passenger traveling across Straits up 15% during holidays

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-10-03 14:36

FUZHOU - The number of passengers traveling by sea between Southeast China's Fujian province and Taiwan was up 15 percent during the first three days of the eight-day Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, according to official statistics released on Wednesday.

Driven by family reunions, tourism and business visits, sea transport across the Taiwan Strait carried more than 12,000 people during the past three days, up 15 percent year on year, the Fujian provincial transportation department said.

Cross-Straits direct transport started in December 2008, after nearly six decades of standoffs between the mainland and Taiwan after the Kuomintang Party, defeated by the Communist Party of China, fled to Taiwan in 1949. At present, ships operate between major mainland coastal cities and Taiwan.

To ensure smooth holiday transport, mainland authorities have stepped up security at ports and enhanced communication with Taiwan on routes scheduling, customs clearance, security checks and rescue contingency plans.

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