First batch of aid bound for Africa

2011-09-03 07:47:09

China sent 1,440 tons of wheat from its Tianjin Port to Ethiopia on Friday, the first batch of aid goods the country has supplied to relieve the current drought in the Horn of Africa region.

China-Africa Forum passes declaration

2011-08-31 11:35:09

People-to-people exchanges between China and Africa face great opportunities and also challenges.

Li Jinjun: NGOs do what governments can’t

2011-08-31 10:36:44

Li Jinjun, the executive vice-president of the China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE) meets a number of Chinese media in Nairobi, Kenya Aug 30 during the First China-Africa People’s Forum. The forum is co-hosted by CNIE and Kenya Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination Board (Board), and is the first non-governmental exchange between China and Africa ever held in Africa.

First China-Africa NGO forum begins

2011-08-30 10:45:27

More than 200 representatives from Chinese and African non-government organizations gathered in Kenya's capital of Nairobi on Aug 30 for the First China-Africa People's Forum.

UN chief sends message to forum

2011-08-30 10:51:28

Across continents and countries, social movements and networks of non-governmental organizations are indispensable partners of the United Nations.

Chinese, African AIDS NGOs meet

2011-08-29 14:00:59

More than two dozen adolescent peer educators in Kenya met their Chinese counterparts in Nairobi.

Senior political advisor leaves for African trip

2011-08-27 10:29:23

Senior Chinese political advisor Wang Zhizhen left here Saturday morning for a good-will visit to Kenya, Ethiopia and Botswana.

Further support for food security in Africa

2011-08-25 11:57:35

China will exert its utmost efforts to help African states to improve their food security, following an additional 353.2 million yuan ($55.28 million) emergency aid to Ethiopia and other drought-hit African countries announced earlier.

China to build low-cost housing in Guinea

2011-08-25 11:55:41

Officials of the China Railway Company on Thursday met with Guinean President Alpha Conde to finalize a contract aimed at building 400 low-cost housing in the capital Conakry.

Chery to set up JV to further explore African car market

2011-08-25 11:54:08

Leading private Chinese automaker Chery will set up a joint venture (JV) with China-Africa Development Fund to further explore the car market in Africa.

China ready to ship food aid to Africa

2011-08-25 11:50:44

China will start shipments of food aid to northeast African countries by the end of this month to ease famine caused by severe drought in the region, an official from the Ministry of Commerce said on Friday.

China, Africa plan 1st NGO forum

2011-08-23 17:25:42

More than 200 representatives from Chinese and African non-government organizations will gather in Kenya's capital of Nairobi from Aug 29 to 30.

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China-Africa Friendship Borehole unveiled

Sinohydro Group of China, a Chinese irrigation company has helped local people draw two boreholes in Nairobi, Kenya. One of them is named China-Africa Friendship Borehole.

1st China-Africa People's Forum opens in beat

EYE ON CHINA: Matching Beijing

An African Chinese Descendant

About the Forum


The non-governmental exchange forum is organized by Network for International Exchanges and Kenya's Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination Board.

1st non-governmental forum between China and Africa

Looking Back

File photos

Chinese leaders meeting leaders, friends from Africa.

For a healthier future in Africa
