
Chinese artist receives International Muse Award

( ) Updated: 2015-06-15 13:45:05
Chinese artist receives International Muse Award

Chinese artist Wang Hongjian (right) collects his Erato award at the 50th edition of International Muse Award on June 13 in Florence, Italy. Photo provided to

At the award ceremony that took place in Salone dei Cirquecento on June 13 in Florence, Wang, who received the Erato award that recognizes excellence in art, elaborated on why he like to portray farmers in his oil paintings.

"A good artwork should have three values: social, self and historical. In today's China, farmers constitute the largest social class, and China will change only if they change. This is the realm of material things and social value in my works.

As a former farmer myself, my experiences in the rural areas in my youth has given me artistic inspiration and passion. This is the realm of emotion and value in my works. By trying to infuse the aesthetic spirit and principles of Chinese traditional culture into traditional European oil painting, I depict the contemporary life of farmers in today's China," said Wang during his acceptance speech.

When asked about his exhibition this year at the Italian Academy of Arts, Wang said he was very excited about showcasing his works in a place so rich in artistic history.

"As the birthplace of the Renaissance in human history, Florence has been long admired around the world. Dante, Giotto, Galileo, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Machiavelli and Rossini are still the great pinnacles today. It should be the dream of most artists to show their works in this cultural mecca. Learning the wisdom and skills of the great works of mankind is also my eternal pursuit. Therefore I extend thanks to the Italian Academy of Arts for their invitation, as well as to the Chinese Artists Association in Italy for their assistance," said Wang.

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