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Updated: 2001-09-28 01:00

Britain's student prince shuns raucous revels (2001/09/28)
威廉王子對大學(xué)生活保持低調(diào),婉言 拒絕狂歡晚會(2001/09/28)
Britain's Prince William (R) and his father Prince Charles leave the gates of St Andrew's University, Fife, Scotland to meet the crowds of well wishers, September 23, 2001. The Prince will begin a four year degree course in History of Art at the university. [Reuters]
Britain's king in waiting, Prince William, begins his career as a student on Monday, saying he hopes the media will get bored with him during his four years at Scotland's ancient St Andrews University.

In an interview in British Sunday newspapers, William disclosed that he had not attended "freshers' week", when new students get to know each other at raucous pre-term parties. "It would have been a media frenzy and that's not fair on the other students," he said.

Since it became known that the shy prince was to study art history in the Fife town, admissions have risen by 44 percent, with a high proportion coming from young women.

The student prince, who has luckily inherited his looks from his mother, Princess Diana, rather than from his father, laughed off reports that some female students were wondering whether they might be in with a chance of becoming a future queen.

"I suppose they're saying that tongue-in-cheek. But people who try to take advantage and get a piece of me, I spot it quickly and soon go off them. I just want to go to university and have fun. I mean, it's not like I'm getting married, though that's how it feels sometimes."

William added: "It will get easier as time goes on. Everyone will get bored with me, which they do."

Courtiers hope reporters and photographers will leave St Andrews on Monday, but royal watchers believe it will be difficult for the media to maintain its current restraint. A picture of William with a girlfriend would be especially prized.


英國王位的第二繼承人威廉王子9月24日正式開始了他在圣安德魯大學(xué)的學(xué)生生涯。 他希望在這所古老的蘇格蘭大學(xué)的四年生活中,媒體不要對他太感興趣。









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