John Paul II said Sunday that Christmas' true meaning risked being
lost by a "consumerist mentality" that is fueled by
To combat the trend, gift-givers should remember the poor and
needy this holiday season, the pope said.
The 82-year-old pontiff made the comments in his weekly appearance
in St. Peter's Square, already decked with a towering Christmas
tree and parts of the creche, the traditional scene depicting
Christ's birth in a manger.
"The simplicity of the creche contrasts with the image of
Christmas that sometimes is shown by insistent publicity messages,"
the pope said.
"Even the beautiful tradition of exchanging Christmas gifts
among friends and family, under the impact of a certain consumerist
mentality, risks losing its authentic sense of Christmas,"
he said.
He said instead, the holiday season gave the faithful the opportunity
to turn gestures of gift-giving into gestures of "solidarity
and welcoming toward the poor and needy."