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Updated: 2004-08-09 14:20
Starbucks coffee a bargain? Analysts say yes


After holding most prices steady for the last four years, Starbucks has room to charge more without driving away its legions of loyal customers, analysts say.

Alternately derided and praised for building a $5 billion annual business by transforming coffee from a 50-cent daily staple into a $3 treat, Starbucks Corp. has let its prices slip below many of its competitors.

"Starbucks premium prices have long been the punch line in more than a few jokes," CIBC World Markets analyst John Glass wrote in a report to clients. "After several years of pricing abstention, the joke is on the competition."

Last week Seattle-based Starbucks said it expected to raise prices some time in the coming fiscal year, beginning October 4.

Glass's informal study of nine different companies serving coffee and blended drinks in eight cities found Starbucks is often the cheapest cup of regular coffee in town.

When it comes to blended, iced drinks, Starbucks' 24-ounce Frappuccino at $3.60 was 30 percent cheaper than similar drinks at specialty cafes like Tully's Coffee Corp. or Peet's Coffee and Tea Inc., though doughnut shops often sold lattes for less than Starbucks, Glass found.

That leaves room for Starbucks to boost sales and profits, or at least reduce the impact of rising prices for milk, labor and wholesale coffee beans, by raising its store prices.

"Going four years without taking a price increase is pretty remarkable," said analyst Dan Geiman at McAdams Wright Ragen. "There are a number of devotees that will still certainly favor Starbucks over 'Brand X'."

The company raised its prices by about 3 percent in 2000, following similar increases in 1994, 1997 and 1999, and another hike is due, Glass said.

Starbucks has made great strides in recent years toward shortening customer waits in long lines and offering new products and services to boost transactions at its worldwide chain of more than 8,000 cafes.

A price hike now would accelerate growth with minimal negative feedback, Glass said.

"The one ill side effect from a price increase at Starbucks that we've been able to identify historically has been publicity. We know of no other chain where a modest price increase is front page news. But it is typically for Starbucks," Glass said







關(guān)于混合飲料和冰凍飲料,格拉斯發(fā)現(xiàn),在星巴克,24盎司的法布奇諾冰咖啡的售價為3.60美元,比Tully's Coffee和Peet's Coffee and Tea Inc等咖啡專賣店中出售的類似飲料便宜30% ,盡管小吃店里出售的拿鐵(意大利香奶咖啡)的售價通常比星巴克更便宜。


西雅圖McAdams Wright Ragen經(jīng)紀公司的分析師丹·海曼說:“(星巴克)堅持四年沒漲價確實很不一般。無疑將有許多(咖啡)愛好者依舊偏愛星巴克,而不是別的品牌?!?







legion: 古羅馬軍團,大量

punch line: (故事,笑話等中的)妙語

CIBC World Markets: 北美地區(qū)最大銀行集團之一的加拿大皇家商業(yè)銀行 (Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce,CIBC) 旗下的投資銀行機構(gòu)

abstention: 節(jié)制

blended drink: 混合飲料

specialty cafe: 咖啡專賣店

latte: 拿鐵,一種意大利分層奶沫咖啡

hike: 增加,遠足

negative feedback: 負面影響

side effect: 副作用

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