Pale Male tried to rebuild his nest with
twigs | |
A celebrated red-tailed hawk evicted last week from his upscale New
York digs can move back to the ritzy apartment building where his
nest was perched following an agreement on safety arrangements, building
management said on Tuesday night.
Pale Male's nest was abruptly removed from its
Upper East Side site
last week after complaints from building residents about falling debris,
including gnarled remains of pigeons.
The removal sparked noisy protests from fans who had watched the hawk
and his mates raise more than 20 chicks in the spot overlooking Central
Park since 1993.
Late on Tuesday, New York City
Audubon Society and the building's board said they had
agreed to restore the metal spikes supporting the hawk's nest and erect a
guardrail around its 12th-floor roost to safeguard residents and
An architectural firm was retained to consult on design and
National Audubon Society President John Flicker said the arrangements
would "help create a secure and stable environment that should enable the
birds to return to their home of more than a decade."
Building resident and hawk supporter Mary Tyler Moore said she expected
that the spikes would be put up on Wednesday.
"I'm hopeful that the birds will be peaceful enough to make another
nest," the actress said, standing outside her apartment.
On Monday, bird lovers met with managers of the exclusive building to
ask them to restore the nest and the metal spikes that supported it. The
building's architect had examined how the nest could be rebuilt in a way
that would satisfy bird lovers and eliminate the possibility of falling
Pale Male's unusual decision to take up residence in Manhattan and
raise his young 12 stories above the park has captivated bird watchers for
the past decade and inspired a book and documentary film. Pale Male even
has his own Web site, www.palemale.com.
Moore said the real reason the nest was removed was because residents
didn't like the bird droppings or occasional pigeon carcass that would
fall to the ground.
Bird lovers had urged the nest be reconstructed in its original spot as
soon as possible to avoid interrupting Pale Male's mating ritual. The hawk
and his current mate, Lola, have tried to rebuild, but without the metal
spikes to support it, the twigs they have gathered would likely blow
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