Shop assistants should speak differently to
customers | |
Japanese people need help to brush up
on their polite language, a government panel has proposed.
A report for the Agency for Cultural Affairs said
'keigo' - honorific
Japanese - was being widely misused.
Keigo is a complicated form of the language which
involves different conjugations
of regular nouns and verbs, or different words entirely.
It is used to address seniors - a customer, for example - and is meant
to humble speakers and elevate listeners.
The government panel has proposed publishing manuals explaining to
people how the language should be used.
"Not just young people, but grown-ups are not using honorific Japanese
properly. With the language guidelines, we hope to spread the correct use
of the Japanese language," education ministry official Osamu Kubota was
quoted as saying by the French news agency AFP.
The government panel cited a 2003 survey on the Japanese language which
found that 96% of people believe keigo remains important, but the
researchers noted that it was nevertheless being used incorrectly.
For example, the verb "to be" is iru in informal Japanese, imasu in
polite Japanese, and irrashaimasu in honorific Japanese.
The government report also suggested that the
country's ability to read and write Chinese characters - the mainstay
of the Japanese language - be
A survey in November found that 20% of students at private universities
had poorer language abilities than high school pupils.
Adults sometimes find it difficult to remember how to write characters
because they rely on computers, and have to ask their children for help.
(BBC) |
(中國日報網(wǎng)站譯) |