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Updated: 2005-04-26 10:59

Ukraine PM makes Elle front cover


Ukraine PM makes Elle front cover
Tymoshenko once said she would prefer to appear in Playboy

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has appeared on the front cover of Elle magazine in Ukraine posing in a designer dress.

Mrs Tymoshenko played a key role in the "Orange Revolution", her plait hairdo making her a distinctive figure.

Interviewed by Elle Ukraine, she said she was making full use of her looks in the male-dominated world of politics.

She is said by local media to have even charmed Russian President Vladimir Putin, who visited Kiev in March.

"Do you really think I can charm people? That's interesting, I never would have thought," Mrs Tymoshenko told Elle.

In an earlier interview, given in 2001, she was asked whether she would prefer to make the front cover of Playboy, Time or the Ukrainian women's magazine Natalie.

Mrs Tymoshenko said Playboy would be "the best choice for any real woman".

She added, however, that she might plump for Time instead.

Mrs Tymoshenko told Elle that her looks were all natural as she had no time for beauty treatments.

"I am going to disappoint your readers but I am not doing anything special for my appearance. After working 16 hours a day, all I have time for is sleep," the Ukrainian politician said.














front cover : 封面

hairdo: a style in which hair is arranged(發(fā)式)

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