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Updated: 2005-06-08 10:31

Accountants are kings among graduates  

經濟增長強勁職場升溫 會計專業(yè)畢業(yè)生成了香餑餑

Accountants are kings among graduates
the Ernst & Young building

While it is not quite the days of the dot-com boom, when companies lured graduates with promises of six-figure salaries and ping-pong tables in the workplace, corporate recruiters are once again combing campuses for the best of the Class of 2005.

"People ask me all the time 'So you graduated, are you looking for a job?' And I'm like: 'I already have one,'" said Pauline Livaditis, a 22-year-old accounting graduate who was hired by Ernst & Young before she finished school in May.

"The friends I had classes with all have jobs -- they were recruited on campus," said Livaditis, who graduated with a combined Masters of Business Administration and accounting degree from St. John's University in New York.

Hot degrees in 2005 included business administration, management and electrical or mechanical engineering, according to a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. But no degree is more in demand than accounting, where the starting salary averages $44,564.

"The market is very, very robust, and so we need many, many accountants," said Karen Glover, director of recruiting at Ernst & Young. "A great person will have many offers."

Demand for accountants and auditors soared after Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley reporting rules in 2002 in response to high-profile scandals that brought companies like Enron and WorldCom to their knees.

Glover said Ernst & Young is looking to hire 4,500 accounting graduates this year, up 30 percent from last year. To lure new hires, it has boosted benefits -- including a concierge service for employees too busy to run errands.

The recruitment process begins early. Livaditis began a paid internship at Ernst & Young two years before graduation, and she is just one of at least 15 of her classmates snapped up by the accounting giant. She says different companies were on campus every week trying to lure new hires.

But it's not just accounting grads who are in demand.

A recent survey by Monster, the top job-search Web site, found 80 percent of companies with 5,000 employees or more planned to hire 2005 graduates and 90 percent with 10,000 employees or more saying they would do so.

Top entry-level jobs for America's estimated 1.2 million graduates this year included sales, administrative and support, customer service, and advertising and marketing, the survey showed.

"For graduates, this certainly means there are more opportunities to gain entry-level experience than we've seen in the past four years," said Steve Pogorzelski, Monster's North America president.








格洛夫說,安永今年計劃招聘4,500 名會計專業(yè)的畢業(yè)生,較之去年增長了30%。為了能吸引新人加盟,安永已經提高了福利待遇,比如當員工太忙無暇外出跑腿時,公司可以提供侍從服務,專門為員工跑腿辦事。










concierge: a staff member of a hotel or apartment complex who assists guests or residents, as by handling the storage of luggage, taking and delivering messages, and making reservations for tours.(門房,旅館或公寓里的服務人員,提供辦理存放行李、收發(fā)信件和預訂旅游等服務)

run errands: 供差遣,跑腿辦事。

snap up : 搶購,匆匆吃下, 搶先弄到手



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