Handout picture
released June 14, 2005 shows an artist's conception of a newly
discovered planet being shown as a hot, rocky, geologically
active world glowing in the deep red light of its nearby
parent star, the M dwarf Gliese 876. The heat and the reddish
light are among the few things about the new planet that are
certain (reuters)
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A planet that may be Earth-like - but too hot for life as we know it -
has been discovered orbiting a nearby star.
The discovery of the
planet, with an estimated radius about twice that of Earth, was
announced Monday at the National Science Foundation.
"This is the smallest extrasolar planet yet detected and
the first of a new class of rocky terrestrial planets," Paul Butler of
the Carnegie Institution in Washington said in a statement. "It's like
Earth's bigger cousin."
Geoffrey Marcy, professor of astronomy at the University of California,
Berkeley, added: "Over 2,000 years ago, the Greek philosophers Aristotle
and Epicurus argued about whether there were other Earth-like planets.
Now, for the first time, we have evidence for a rocky planet around a
normal star."
Though the researchers have no direct proof that the new planet is
rocky, its mass means it is not a giant gas planet like Jupiter, they
said. They estimated the planet's mass as 5.9 to 7.5 times that of Earth.
It is orbiting a star called Gliese 876, 15 light years from Earth,
with an orbit time of just 1.94 Earth days. They estimated the surface
temperature on the new planet at between 400 degrees and 750 degrees
Gliese 876 is a small, red star with about one-third the mass of the
sun. The researchers said this is the smallest star around which planets
have been discovered. In addition to the newly found planet the star has
two large gas planets around it.
Butler said the researchers think that the most probable composition of
the planet is similar to inner planets of this solar system - a
nickel/iron rock.
Gregory Laughlin of the Lick Observatory at the University of
California, Santa Cruz, said a planet of this mass could have enough
gravity to hold onto an atmosphere. "It would still be considered a rocky
planet, probably with an iron core and a silicon mantle. It could even
have a dense steamy water layer."
Three other extrasolar planets believed to be of rocky composition have
been reported, but they orbit a pulsar - the flashing corpse of an
exploded star - rather than a normal type of
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