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Updated: 2005-07-01 10:41

NY unveils revised Freedom Tower


NY unveils revised Freedom Tower
NY unveils revised Freedom Tower

New York officials have unveiled a revised design for the skyscraper that will replace the World Trade Center, following fears over security.

The Freedom Tower is being built on the site of the Twin Towers destroyed in the 11 September 2001 attacks.

Architects redesigned it after police expressed concern that the 1,776-foot (540-metre) building could be vulnerable to truck bomb attacks.

Under new plans it is further from the road and has a strengthened structure.

The redesign calls for a concrete and steel pedestal, clad in ornamental metalwork, and topped by a tower of glass.

The building is capped with a mast incorporating an antenna, which is meant to evoke the torch of the Statue of Liberty.

"This new design reflects a soaring tribute to freedom and a bedrock commitment to safety and security," New York Governor George Pataki said.

The symbolic height - which in feet refers to the year of the American Declaration of Independence - is one of the few features left from the initial plans.

The building's chief architect said he felt better about the new one than the original.

"It is unique, yet it subtly recalls the tragedy that has happened here," David Childs said.

The Freedom Tower's cornerstone was laid last July, but an assessment by the New York Police Department urged architects to rethink some elements of its structure.

Police feared 010 it would be difficult to protect the building against a possible truck bomb because of the heavy traffic along nearby West Street.

Under the new plans, the distance from West Street has been increased from 25 feet (7.6 metres) to an average of 90 feet (28 metres).



















vulnerable : 易受攻擊的

pedestal: an architectural support or base, as for a column or statue.(基座,底座)

clad: to sheathe or cover (a metal) with a metal.(用一種金屬包住或覆蓋另一種金屬)

ornamental: 裝飾性的,裝飾用的

tribute: 贊詞;頌詞

cornerstone: such a stone, often inscribed, laid at a ceremony marking the origin of a building.(奠基石)



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