Integrity tops the most frequently looked-up
list. |
In a year filled with political wrangling, natural disasters and pop
culture curiosities, Americans turned to Merriam-Webster to help define
them all.
Filibuster. Refugee. Tsunami. Each was among the dictionary publisher's
10 most frequently looked-up words this year among some 7 million users of
its online site.
But topping the list is a word that some say gives insight into the
country's collective concern about its values: integrity.
The noun, formally defined as a "firm adherence to a code" and
"incorruptibility," has always been a popular one on the company's Web
site, said Merriam-Webster President John Morse. But this year, the true
meaning of integrity seemed to be of extraordinary concern. About 200,000
people sought its definition online.
"I think the American people have isolated a very important issue for
our society to be dealing with," Morse said. "The entire list gives us a
window that opens up into what people are thinking about in their lives."
Ralph Whitehead, a journalism professor at the University of
Massachusetts, said it may reflect the continuing discussion about
American values and morality, or it may indicate that integrity itself is
becoming so scarce, its definition is unfamiliar.
No. 10 on the list is "inept," a word that Morse said was getting a lot
of attention after President Bush delivered a live prime-time news
conference that came to an awkward end when some TV networks cut him off
to return to their regularly scheduled programs.
Sandwiched between "integrity" and "inept" is a cluster of words
obviously plucked from the headlines, such as "tsunami," after one ravaged
countries along the Indian Ocean last December.
But the Top 10 list is by no means an indication that Americans were
curious or baffled only by weighty topics.
After Simon Cowell, the acid-tongued host of the television show
"American Idol," called one singer "insipid," Merriam-Webster noticed a
dramatic spike in the number of lookups for the word.
The ten words most frequently looked up are:
1 Integrity - Incorruptibility 2 Refugee - One that flees 3 Contempt -
Wilful disobedience to a court, judge or legislature 4 Filibuster - The
use of delaying tactics to prevent action 5 Insipid - Dull, flat 6 Tsunami
- A great sea wave 7 Pandemic - Occurring over a wide area and affecting a
large proportion of the population 8 Conclave - A private meeting or
secret assembly 9 Levee - An embankment for preventing flooding 10 Inept -
Generally incompetent or bungling
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