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Updated: 2003-01-27 01:00

Smokers Enjoy Puffers' Paradise on Wheels (2003/01/27)

流動吸煙車--日本煙民的天堂 (2003/01/27)

A sanctuary in a hostile land. That's what Tokyo smokersSmokers Enjoy Puffers' Paradise on Wheelsgot when Japan Tobacco Inc. rolled out a trailer that was remodeled for use as a free-smoking space.

Dubbed the SmoCar, the trailer is parked in a space in front of a big office building in Tokyo's central Chiyoda ward.

Smoking on the street was banned in the busy parts of the ward since last October, and a system of fines -- up to 0 for multiple offences -- began in November.

"I smoke pretty heavily so having this kind of space makes me happy," said 28-year-old Hirokazu Sato, who stopped by to take a puff inside the new smokers' paradise.

The 27-foot-long silver trailer does not come with any seats, but has counters equipped with ashtrays and room enough for around 20 smokers to puff away to their heart's content.

If the trailer gains popularity Japan Tobacco may introduce more of them, a JT official said.

Smokers welcomed the idea.

"It would become even easier to use if there were more of them and if they were placed near the train station," Sato said.











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