| Cellphone radio control toy cars are displayed at a toy fair in Tokyo June 11, 2003. Japanese Toy maker Takara Co and videogame producer Konami Corp have developed remote control technology for their toy cars. | Once it was just a humble cellphone. Then it offered e-mail, games, music, became a camera and later a video camera.
And now, young Japanese for whom the mobile phone has increasingly become the center of their universe have something new -- it can be the remote control for their toy car.Japanese toy maker Takara Co and videogame producer Konami Corp have developed such a new technology. With Takara's version a small transmission unit is plugged into the phone and users steer their car by pushing the key pad. Consumers using Konami's offering, developed with electronics giant NEC Corp, download software that enables certain handsets to control the cars using infra-red transmitters. "Our miniature toy cars date back to the 1980s and when we were looking at ways to maintain the interest of customers now in their twenties and thirties, it was natural to turn to their best buddy -- the cellphone," Takara spokeswoman Terumi Endo said.
(Agencies) | 手機最初的用途單一。后來手機的用途發(fā)展到可以接受電子郵件、玩游戲、聽音樂、拍照、甚至錄像。 手機已經(jīng)日益成為日本年輕一代的生活焦點。如今,他們有了新成員--可以用作遙控玩具汽車的手機。 日本玩具制造商Takara公司和電玩游戲制造商Konami公司都已經(jīng)開發(fā)出這項新技術(shù)了。 Takara公司開發(fā)的手機是將一個小小的傳感器插在手機上,然后使用者只要撥鍵盤就可以遙控玩具汽車了。 而Konami公司研制的手機,則是同日本電器巨頭NEC公司共同合作的結(jié)晶。只要下載相應(yīng)的軟件到手機上,就可以通過紅外線變送器遙控玩具汽車了。 Takara公司發(fā)言人輝實延藤說?quot;我們從20世紀(jì)80年代就開始研制微型玩具汽車。我們在考慮如何留住二三十歲這個年齡段顧客興趣的時候,就自然而然想到求助于他們最親密的伙伴--手機。"
(中國日報網(wǎng)站譯) |