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Japan at crossroads on V-60
I’ll talk about six points regarding Japan and the Sino-Japanese relationship on V-60 Day.
Prospects of a Ma Yin-jeou administration
Six years before its first centenary, the KMT is very much a "bai-nian lao-dian" mired down by years of incompetence, corruption, and irrelevance.
Is Powell in Beijing bearing a gift or asking for one?
So Powell has come to Beijing to pose for photo-ops hobnobbing with the top brass of the Chinese nation.
A probe into the possible fate of the two kidnapped Chinese engineers
Rocket propelled grenades (RPGs), car-roadside bombs, jacket pockets lined with C4 explosives, shoulder-carried anti-aircraft missiles -- these are all innovative modern conventional small arms first available in the highly-industrialized First World nations - but only now, together with TV soundbites and internet websites, are they packing a maximal strategic punch in our world.
Why did Chinese Civilization endure through perennial challenges?
Why did Chinese Civilization endure through perennial challenges -- political and economic upheavals, foreign conquest and natural calamities -- and manage to survive intact?
Why we cannot negotiate with a pathological liar?
The basis of any negotiation with Taiwan Island is twofold:
A central task for China on her 55th birthday
A cross-strait war seems probable if not imminent at this time.
The English people are very proper by tradition
If you met someone on a train in England in the old days and tried to start a conversation, it was very rare that he would reveal too much of himself to you under any circumstances.
Western cultural influence making inroads in China
The average level of English proficiency in Hongkong SAR is not very high even today.
From Mexicans to Chinese; from bilingualism to 'democracy'
The Chinese government has made a grave mistake in its bilingual policy. We need to have serious discussions on the topic of the feasibility as well as the pros and cons of fostering bilingualism in China.
Struggles for equality by the world's peoples complement one another
Chairman Mao's call in 1963 to support the American blacks in their struggle for equality in the Civil Rights Movement was very timely.
It is not the end of militarism in Japan
It isn't even the beginning of the end for the nation's militarist adventurism.
Ostensible reasons for consternation over the 'buildup' of Chinese naval carriers
There are two pieces of defense-related news emanating from Russia and China that have been raising eyebrows and causing serious consternation within the Pentagon lately.
Hongkong 'free press' as the Trojan Horse left by the Brits
Have you ever wondered how the Brits intend to sabotage the Tung Chee-hua government in the run-up to the next election for the top executive in the Special Administrative Region?
Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind of juvenile identity confusion
In China today there is this unhealthy trend amongst some parents to over-emphasize the learning of English in their kids' school curriculum. From the CR chant of "I am Chinese, I don't use ABCs" to the present "I am Chinese. I regret I have an accent in my English" the pendulum has swept from one extreme to the other.
Origin of Indian-Chinese friction (updated)
The Indian government had inherited this very haughty and unmistakably British attitude towards China beginning in the Fifties of the last century. They typically had this take-it-or-leave it attitude when they conducted business with China before the Border War.
On the unique Chinese experience of acculturating their conquerors
What indeed is the reason behind the acculturation of nomadic conquerors by their Chinese subjects, and how does this process extend to Western cultures in the world today?
A bilingual society is wasteful
to be done to have all documents printed in two languages. Some people suggest that bilingualism be adopted as a stop-gap and transitional measure until the status of Chinese as a true lingua franca can be promoted in the world, but this is baloney. Once established in a population, bilingualism is hard to eradicate.
What is the origin of the concept "E ren wei ben" in China?
China's PNC that ended last week in mid-March, 2004 promulgated the notion of putting people first ("e ren wei ben") and this concept is very important.
Privacy-invasion and sedition go hand-in-hand in Hongkong SAR
Although I agree that public scrutiny through the media is a major tool of representative government, I also happen to believe that there ought to be a limit set on the legality of invasion of privacy, beyond which damages can be sought on behalf of the victims by disinterested parties.
Is it conscionable for Chinese to immerse in an "all English" environment?
It is paradoxical but true that China and America are both developing into bilingual societies.
Comparing India and China in foreign policy
The alleged participation of two Indians in the Madrid bombings brings to mind the difference in the way each nation attends to its foreign policy.
"Patriotism" and "Education" in the context of "1c2s" for HK
Was Beijing's education on the meaning of patriot a not-so-veiled threat to the Hongkong population?
The Spanish bombings will have domino effects
Ordinary people simply do not want to be associated with insecurity in their daily lives.
What truly makes China's future bright?
China's future is bright because the basic tenets of a mature humanitarian society are ingrained in her civilization.
The evil root of all stability in Hong Kong
Mao had complimented Deng Xiaoping in the 1950s that the quiet Sichuan man was a rare talent in his administration - "ren zhai nan de" was his pithy evaluation.
Comparing American and Chinese censorship of what you read
I can't tell you what you should or shouldn't read. That is really a non-question.
I am not worried about the March election in Taiwan, but the one in 2008
I am rather impressed with Xu Xin-liang (Hsu Hsin-liang), the second debater in the recently held forum in Taiwan on the side against the referendum on March 20.
A multifaceted discussion of American hegemony
Here the first boldfaced comments in each separated section belong to Sandreckoner and the rest are mine:
Focus on removing the nail on your own forehead instead of the toothpick on China's
The referenced sources upon which the U.S. Human Rights Report was based were not meant for alien consumption, let alone compilation by foreign governments.
The India-China conflict viewed through a Chinese kaleidoscope
India did make appreciable contributions to Chinese culture especially in philosophy and theology.
Mao's success in turning the world on its head was by no means fortuitous
Mao's success in turning the world on its head was by no means fortuitous
As I said, the discussion of Mao will lead to deeper searches within Chinese civilization itself.
I saw North Korea while cruising the Yalu River
I didn't exactly go into North Korea, because the application for a visa at Dalien would have taken a month for one carrying the HKSAR passport, according to the travel agency at Dalien and Dandong (right on the Yalu River) in Liaoning Province.
The role of the media and Chinese mediators in the Arab-Israeli conflict
There is a school of thought that the Israelis are genetically superior to the Arabs, and that's why they have been able to out-perform the more than one-hundred million Arabs with their six million.
Why I say China will one day save the West?
Ironically, despite all the encirclement and anti-encirclement along China's fourteen international borders by the Lone Superpower, the country that will one day save this Incredible Hulk from itself is China.
The evil root of all instability in the world today
Many well-intentioned idealists in America still think the Bushies were doing a good thing when they invaded Iraq, sacking Saddam's palaces and murdering his two sons.
Two letters -- on the irreverent irrelevance of American critiques of Mao and the Chinese revolution
Politics and legality in the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
Legality is the correctness of an action based on the conscientious application of the ubiquitous principles of fairness amongst the world's civilized nations. It differs from nation to nation in some areas but achieves a consensus on others. For example, international law is accepted by the majority of the members of the United Nations.
The crucial difference between a critic and a detractor
Speaking to a detractor, I said these words:
A few thousand tops at Pearl Harbor
The struggle with the English stiff-upper-lippers in our Chinadaily Forums
Don't try to change our priceless forum into a monastery of celibate priests or a castle where everyone wears either armor or virginity belts, guarding against one another's prickly logs even as they are frolicking away feverishly on king-sized Serta mattresses.
Chairman Maozedong's 110th birthday
As these words were written in Mao Zedong's online mausoleum in commemoration of his 110th birthday......
"Defensive referendum" is but a misnomer for "Offensive treason"
Around Chen Suibian is an unprecedented gathering of uncouth mamasans eager to sell our Taiwan province out to the highest foreign bidder under the camouflage of seeking independence through referendum.
False internationalism and paradoxical Hanjianism
Initial Prosperity and its identical twin Xiaokang Society are now within the reach of a great majority of our well-deserving people.
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