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Inciting self-immolations violates human rights
Lorang Konchok, a monk from an ethnic Tibetan area, was found to have goaded eight people into setting themselves on fire.
Dialogue on Tibet 'will improve French relations with China'
Direct exchanges and dialogue between the Tibet autonomous region of China and France will help deepen France's understanding of the region and improve its relations with China, senior French politicians said on Wednesday.
'Central Tibetan administration' illegitimate
The CTA's new leader Lobsang Sangay could not have become the chief kalon without the support of people in the United States, who are eager to see the man they cultivated work for their interests.
Conspiracy behind self-immolations
It is clear that the self-immolations are nothing but staged scenes directed by the Dalai Lama clique as part of their separatist agenda.
Dharamsala cannot represent Tibetan people
The Tibet "government-in-exile" should learn more about the development of the Tibet autonomous region in a neutral, unprejudiced manner, so as to give up separatism and embrace the goodwill of the central government.
Danba, the lost paradise
Terrorism can't curb progress
Some Western media outlets have no difficulty in identifying terrorists who attack Western interests but often label those who attack other countries as "freedom fighters". And this is exactly what happened after the July 18 terrorist attack in Hotan.
Dalai Lama meeting damages US status as world power
Certain U.S. media outlets were conquered by the smile of the Dalai Lama and his title of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. A senior State Department official even publicly extolled him as a "living Buddha." Do they have any respect for history, morality and justice?
The Jokhang – most sacred temple in Tibet
Mysterious Tibet
Gorgeous Tibet photographs by Krivic
Dalai: 'Son of India' followed by a squad of 'grandsons of India'
"On the issue of 14th Dalai Lama's statement of being a 'Son of India', I've discussed several rounds with him and his heelers," the article said.
Tibet's development does not impair culture
A Spanish Tibetologist said on Thursday that the development in China's Tibet did not impair the local culture, refuting lies spread by the Dalai Lama.
Negative propaganda on Tibet should be halted
The negative propaganda on Tibet was fueled by the Dalai Lama and must be halted at once, President of the Italy-China Foundation Cesare Romiti said last Friday.
China's development pattern in Tibet successful
China has taken a successful pattern of development on Tibet Autonomous Region, said an expert at the forum concerning development of Tibet held in Rome of Italy.
Ethnic minority officials active in China's politics
Officials from ethnic minority groups are offered equal opportunities and play an active role in China's political affairs, said an expert from Liaoning Academy of Social Science (LASS).

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