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Pious painting
An ongoing exhibition of Tibetan thangka pieces retreats from the genre's commercialization
Judge relishes role as family mediator
Wang Xuehong, the presiding judge of a tribunal set up exclusively for family affairs in the Tibet autonomous region, to help couples, many of them from the Tibetan ethnic group, save their marriages.
A boost for Xinjiang
Liu Yong was one of five disabled people who co-founded Canyou Group, together with Zheng Weining.
Young living Buddha grows up amid intense expectations
Although this is his third time to attend China's most important political event, the 11th Panchen Lama still draws attention from his fellow political advisors
Young Tibetans trained to be mountaineering guide
A group of young Tibetans are being trained to challenge the domination of Nepal's legendary Sherpa people in the Himalayan mountain guide industry.
Wanma Caidan:I am to late to make the 1st tibetan film
Wanma Caidan, born in the Tibetan area of Amdo, has membership in the Directors Guild of China, China Film Association, and China Film Literature Association.
Cidan Duoji: teach Tibetan Opera until the last moment
The 600-year-old Tibetan Opera has stayed intact from globalization and has been protected and developed well thanks to the substantial support from the government, a leading Tibetan Opera master told China Daily during an exclusive interview.
From herdsman to entrepreneur
Bai Yujuan,daughter of a herdsmen'family, has transformed to a female entrepreneur.
Luobu Sida: a leading Thang-ga painter and a committed teacher
Thang-ga is scroll painting usually mounted on colorful satins and fabrics. Developed in the 7th century, this unique style of painting is made by folk handicraftsmen and holds a sacred place in Tibetans' hearts.
40 years love of Peacock Dance
Who is Liu Sanjie
Liu Sanjie (Third Sister in the Liu family) is a legendary figure in Zhuang folk stories. The earliest story about her can be found in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).
A tale of a woman and her village
Ma Su'e, a woman from a village of Dong ethnic people, harvests happy life from environmental friendly tourism in Enshi, Hubei province.
Yang Liping: a Dancer from the Bai Ethnic Group
She is the reigning queen of dance in China, the goddess of dance, and a gift from God to the land of Yunnan.
Uygur businessman leading donor to help riot victims
A member of the Uygur ethnic minority group has emerged as the leading individual donor helping victims of the July 5 Xinjiang riot.
Creator of the ‘tree clothes’

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