Eat Beat

Star Wars sweets
Afternoon tea may be an alien idea for Obi Wan Kenobe, but Star Wars fans with a sweet tooth can get into the spirit of the new Star Wars film The Force Awakens with themed desserts available at East Hotel Beijing's Domain cafe. From ovens not so far, far away come R2D2 macaroons, chocolate-cherry Wookie hair mousse, Yoda scones, light-saber cookies, and - most brilliantly of all - cheese and "Ham Solo" paninis.
1:30-7 pm, Jan 1-31, at East Beijing hotel. 22 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chao-yang district. 010-8414-9820.
... and Star Wars sud
Craft breweries Arrow Factory and Jing-A have teamed up to make and offer Imperial Stout Trooper beer, made with "comet and galaxy hops". The beer will be available once The Force Awakens hits theaters on Jan 9, and both breweries are planning Star Wars-themed events.
Jing-A Taproom, inside 1949 The Hidden City. Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang district. 010-6501-8883.
Arrow Factory Taproom. 9 Jianchang Hutong. 010-6408-7804.